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- Kitchen Set minimalist design
- Windows insect screen
- Wooden Wardrobe
- Tips For Designing Kitchens
- Change Your Space With New Curtains!
- Planning A Barrier Free Kitchen Remodeling Project
- InInovative Kitchen Designs To Spice Up Your Home
- How to lay out a kitchen
- How to maintain the kitchen set
- Vicelli kitchen and design
November 07, 2009

Table Top
In this third article we will discuss about the type of table top. Usefulness of this material as the container or base when berkegiatan work in the kitchen, the location of the table top is at the top of the cupboard / cabinet below. The quality of the table top sangt necessary, because the fragility of the table top surface scratches knives, hot pans, or spilled food. Here are some types of table top that is widely used:
Currently this type of table top has started is because ditinggalkan.hal grout between the tiles that are difficult to clean and can store leftovers. This can lead to less clean kitchen.
This type of table top is rich in style and beautiful colors because of this type comes from natural stone, but it was an affordable cost and resistance to heat many people use as a primary option table top materials. But behind all the excess marble many shortcomings, among others, the marble has pores so hard to clean if food scraps or small dirt enter the marble but it is easy to mold when exposed to water.
This material advantages compared to other table top material is its strength. Hard and has a fairly porous solid is the nature of this material. Like marble pores in the granite is the main point of the lack of this type of table top to the coating layer needs to be given besides the heavy weights that need a sturdy support structure as its base. The form is rigid and hard bent so that the connection was obvious.
Stainles steel
Material table top is made feasible options for the kitchen that specialized in the industry. This material gives the impression of modern and futuristic with silvernya color. Lack of stainles steel is susceptible bent and scratched, so care needs to care in the use and maintenance. Excess material is easily cleaned when exposed to stains and dirt, which is not difficult installation is another advantage of this material.
Solid surface
Table top material is often also as this imitation granite because it looks similar to granite with various motifs and colors are gorgeous. This material is very appropriate choice to be used as a table top this. This is due to advantages that other materials owned tdak. Excess owned among others the nature of the solid material and has no pores so there's no rest / food and water enter. This material is resistant to scratches and convenience top shape so that the resulting table looks neat as no connection. Dedi (021) 93809496

In the previous discussion we're talking about the election materials for the cabinet / kitchen storage cabinet made of wood raw material. Here we will focus on materials and layers that can be widely used in the manufacture of cabinets / kitchen cabinet.
Coating material
The selection of appropriate coating materials greatly affect the quality of the end of the cupboard / cabinet, both in terms of appearance and durability. The following type-type and explanations strengths and weaknesses.
High Pressure Laminate (HPL)
The producers of a lot of kitchen set using HPL for its products, because HPL has an advantage in strength and keelastisannya level. Because merits that HPL is very easy to bend, so it is suitable for coating the edge of the cupboard / cabinet.
This acrylic coating material found in many modern kitchens, this is because acrylic has a sleek look and bright colors. Acrylic has a shortage of hard use on the edge of the cupboard / cabinet, because this material is a little stiff, so should be switching on the edge of the cabinet.
Is a synthetic material surface slightly berstektur. Tacon color choices on the market quite diverse. In use for a long time these materials can be turned into a little yellowish. But consumers do not need to worry when exposed to spillage or splashing stains / dirt because tacon easy to clean.
This coating material is made from thin slices of wood, wood is widely used as raw material is vinir Teak wood and SUNGKAI. In made of wood because of the original so much vinir preferred because it has beautiful fiber, in terms of display cabinets / cabinet vinir made of strong and sturdy look. Should be noted that this material is easily scratched, chipped and this material can not stand the heat.
High Gloss Panel (HGP)
For those of you who want to have a kitchen that has a luxurious appearance, this material is suitable. This caused these materials have surfaces that look smooth and shiny like glass, the other advantages of this material resistant to scratches. In the installation phase is easy as HPL, the GPL also easy to bend so that the cabinet / cabinet seemed perfect because there is no switching process
Now you decide to stay with what coating material would you use for the cabinet / storage cabinet in your kitchen. Dedi (021) 93809496
Not only the design process that affects only the end result of making the nyamann kitchen and beautiful, besides the election materials also play an important role to create it. Election materials also affects the age of the kitchen.
Basic materials
Wardrobe / storage cabinet at most kitchen space consuming, material-based to dominate in the manufacture of wood cabinets / cabinet, this is because wood is a material that is easy to shape and easy in maintenance. Here are a variety of base materials commonly used along with an explanation of the excess daan drawbacks:
Solid wood
Solid wood is usually used in the manufacture of kitchen that has a classic design, this is because it is influenced by the beauty of natural patterns of wood. Teak, Mapple, SUNGKAI, Nyatoh is the most widely used for timber is famous for its strength. Today the price of timber is more expensive, so now widely used as the framework of the cabinet only.
This material is made from a pile of thin wood and then glued together until they reach a certain thickness. Level of power and an affordable price of this material causes banyaj used. Deficiency of this material is on the wide use of this material easy to bend because the hard and rigid nature of this material is owned. For more skill is required at the time of manufacture. Also on the top layer of material when a heavy weight easily cracked.
Almost equal to the multiplex with a thickness of 20 mm center-30 mm. This material is made of several pieces of wood are laminated using vinir, to hold the wood pieces of wood shrinkage arranged crosswise. Price blockboard compete with mulipleks.
Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF)
MDF is made from wood pulp mixed with glue before on-press to form such a board. The price is cheap and has a high level of precision and the added material has a smooth surface and flat because manufacturing is done cause this material is widely used by the producers of kitchen set. MDF smoothly several shortcomings / weaknesses as these materials can not support the weight that is too heavy because it can bend down because keelastisannya level. Another weakness is the MDF is not resistant to water immersion and the room that high moisture levels.
Particle Board (PB)
Almost the same as MDF, this material is made of sawdust mixed with glue and then in-press to be as a board. PB like MDF is widely used because it is cheap but it is also lightweight materials. Differences with MDF PB has a rough structure. Another deficiency is difficult in the New Testament because it is hard nailed it easily damaged and fragile when exposed to water.
From several points above, can be a reference for all of us in making the kitchen.
dedi (021) 93809496
Not only the design process that affects only the end result of making the nyamann kitchen and beautiful, besides the election materials also play an important role to create it. Election materials also affects the age of the kitchen.
Basic materials
Wardrobe / storage cabinet at most kitchen space consuming, material-based to dominate in the manufacture of wood cabinets / cabinet, this is because wood is a material that is easy to shape and easy in maintenance. Here are a variety of base materials commonly used along with an explanation of the excess daan drawbacks:
Solid wood
Solid wood is usually used in the manufacture of kitchen that has a classic design, this is because it is influenced by the beauty of natural patterns of wood. Teak, Mapple, SUNGKAI, Nyatoh is the most widely used for timber is famous for its strength. Today the price of timber is more expensive, so now widely used as the framework of the cabinet only.
This material is made from a pile of thin wood and then glued together until they reach a certain thickness. Level of power and an affordable price of this material causes banyaj used. Deficiency of this material is on the wide use of this material easy to bend because the hard and rigid nature of this material is owned. For more skill is required at the time of manufacture. Also on the top layer of material when a heavy weight easily cracked.
Almost equal to the multiplex with a thickness of 20 mm center-30 mm. This material is made of several pieces of wood are laminated using vinir, to hold the wood pieces of wood shrinkage arranged crosswise. Price blockboard compete with mulipleks.
Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF)
MDF is made from wood pulp mixed with glue before on-press to form such a board. The price is cheap and has a high level of precision and the added material has a smooth surface and flat because manufacturing is done cause this material is widely used by the producers of kitchen set. MDF smoothly several shortcomings / weaknesses as these materials can not support the weight that is too heavy because it can bend down because keelastisannya level. Another weakness is the MDF is not resistant to water immersion and the room that high moisture levels.
Particle Board (PB)
Almost the same as MDF, this material is made of sawdust mixed with glue and then in-press to be as a board. PB like MDF is widely used because it is cheap but it is also lightweight materials. Differences with MDF PB has a rough structure. Another deficiency is difficult in the New Testament because it is hard nailed it easily damaged and fragile when exposed to water.
From several points above, can be a reference for all of us in making the kitchen.
dedi (021) 93809496
November 06, 2009
Kitchen Set minimalist design

Kitchen is one room that should have in our house, because in the kitchen of the house to do cooking activities – cooking for the whole family. Along with the development of community kitchens started to change. Previously, in general, in the kitchen divided into the kitchen clean and dirty kitchen and is located separate to the main house is located in a corner or back home the impression that the kitchen is less good when the guest or seen by outsiders, because the kitchen seemed dirty and disorganized.
In the modern kitchen we know there are two types of kitchen is the kitchen clean and dirty kitchen where both have a different function, the kitchen serves only to clean up dirty kitchen while food for work activities that actually cooking. But now because of the demands and needs of the design houses that have limited land, the dirty kitchen and clean the kitchen together, we often call this pantry.Hal the kitchen that need good and well designed so that the beautiful views, functional, safe, comfortable and healthy . Can be said that the demands of life today makes the kitchen as a room in the house who can work ganda, not only as a place to cook, but also a place to receive guests, especially guests who have been close to us .. Various aspects that can affect the design of the kitchen in our house, such as laying on the kitchen, the kitchen layout, kitchen set design and material that will be used. Here we want to try mengulasnya more.
1. Laying on the kitchen in the house should be positioned in the area to get air circulation and the lighting is good, so that later we will create a healthy kitchen, and comfortable.
* To get the air circulation is good planning position laying side by side with the kitchen should open area such as parks. Because odor-bauan not want that can easily diffuse to the air . it can also prevent the risk of fire from leaking gas pipes and tubes, because the gas will be easy to diffuse the air outside. When the position of the kitchen lets not get a natural circulation of air can use exhaust fan or cooker hood that many in the market.
* Lighting can kill the good bacteria and germs in the kitchen, then the position should have a kitchen window or side by side with the open area so that the sun can illuminate the kitchen on the day the kitchen .if not possible to obtain light from the side, so natural light can be from lighting from above for example, the kitchen made some plafond transparant so that light can enter
* The kitchen floor should be made equal to or higher approximately 3cm-5cm with the surrounding space will be easier because in the cleared dirt and remove the remnants of food processed kitchen. Flooring material selected materials that are easy care.
* The position of the kitchen should be adjusted to the habits of the house owner. When the home owners happy with the cooking invite some friends and will be presented directly to the kitchen near the dining / living room with a table or have a minibar in the kitchen.
2. Modern kitchen has a range of layout, which depends on the activities and needs of owners and the availability of space in the house. Layout design is expected to assist in the use of comfortable and functional. In determining the appropriate model with the activities we can make the work flow. Work flow is obtained from the cooking habits of the sinks (the washing), the cooking and refrigerator. Flows from these we will get the layout of the kitchen. Some examples of kitchen layouts:
a) single-line layout shape layout is the most simple. By laying sink, refrigerator and cooking area on one line, this is because the kitchen alley or corridor-shaped area with minimal equipment and only have one wall.
b) Layout U
U-form layout applied either when we have a room with a sketch of the square area is large. Because the layout is positioned opposite each other with a sink and cooking area adjacent to the refrigerator. Or cooking area is located between the position of the sink and refrigerator. so that work flow will produce a compact and efficient.
c) Layout L
An appropriate form of layout used in the room who want kitchen integrates with the dining or living room will be open because of the one opposed sisi.Peletakan sink area with refrigerator and cooking.
d) Layout Breakfast nook
This form is mostly applied in the kitchen tiny apartment or a house which is mostly limited luasannya. This layout is also included in addition to the kitchen table or breakfast minibar such that its function as a handy table. We may be able to partake of olahannya. Usually this form of love that people who have a solid rushing rutintas demand hari.3 speed in the morning. The first thing that needs to look at in designing the kitchen. specify what style you want to use in the kitchen whether your style Colonial, classic, and minimalist. Should be tailored to the style kitchen furniture furniture on your home. because it will feel strange when you furniture is mostly classic style suddenly entered the kitchen a modern minimalist concept.
The size of the kitchen furniture such as kitchen sets in the measure must be carefully tailored to the kebutuhan.jangan and furniture to cooking such as frying pan, a pot with different size of property you can not enter into the cupboard. To make a list of furniture is what will be input into the cupboard in the kitchen set and you start mengukurnya. Do not forget to account for any electronic equipment that will occupy as your kitchen refrigerator, microwave etc., because the electronic equipment is mebutuhkan electricity supply, so we must consider the location of the ignition stop.
The selection of materials that will support the charming beauty of your kitchen. But do not forget to preservation of the material and how perawatanya. Beautiful views but it is not durable or difficult perawatanya akan membengkakan your expenditure. For that we must consider the costs. There are several choices of materials for kitchen set that you are in the market.
a. Material Kitchen Set
Selection of materials for kitchen cabinet set will determine the style you use, such as aluminum and stainlesssteel akan cause the impression material the use of modern timber can be impressive classical, modern, minimalist and natural depends on kitchen design concept that is adjusted with the concept, you have to be consistent. The use of concrete materials, the effect will be cool and natural. When this is popular enough and is still in use of materials like wood. Because wood is easier to create a style, easy on the padupadankan with other material. Material on the timber that is divided into 2 solid wood and wood processing. Solid wood such as teak more expensive but more durable. Wood such as multipleks the difinishing with teak plywood, Sungkai, Mahogany, nyatoh or Ramin.
b. Toptable for material that serves as a table for cooking durable than we should also consider the treatment. There are several materials that can be used as a table top. Tacon is the material most often encountered in the kitchen to tabletop set because most economical. Marble will provide a luxurious feel, can also be applied as a marble tabletop, but has a pore-pore that allows fluid entry to them. And will leave the former when exposed to the fluid should be in the clear, the price is quite expensive. In addition to marble, granite materials from natural stone or granite processing that is not porous and more durable luxurious look. Type and price also varies. Polyrezin terazzo also toptable can be used as your price is quite affordable and have a variety of colors, but generally the market is in the black and white. Alternatively can use stainless steel that is easily cleaned, but scratches easily and the material from the tabletop ceramics / mozaik can also be a choice.
Design a functional kitchen makes it easy for users working cooking – cooking. In addition to the functional kitchen of the present are required to be able to see beautiful and clean as it integrates with the location of the dining room or family room where space is gathered only for the family even if it just relaxed with it will be convenient if the kitchen looks dull and dirty and visible from space eating and living room, kitchen in other words we can show that as the order interior feasible to enjoy the home by the guests who come. (boimtron)
Windows insect screen

To prevent your home by flying insects we recommend you insect screens. They have good exterior and ensure 24 hours protection against insects. The modern insect screens are made of different materials and can be installed by customer's choice.
The insect screens are available in three types: on hinges, on the hooks and roller screens. Their main advantages are as follows:
- Universal - can be used for windows and doors
- Minimum maintenance
- Available with or without a frame
- A huge variety of frame colors
- Do not take extra space
Insect screens on hinges
Insect screens on hinges are very reliable and comfortable. This type of insect screen does not break or show signs of wear. It is made of aluminum frames and consequently it can be used for a long period of time.
Roller screens
You can use it for all kinds of windows. This is the optimal choice for insect screens - easy to use, reliable, and long ageing. It can be made on a separate frame or hanged on the frames of the windows. The main advantage is that the roller screen could go up and down depending on your needs. In winter you can take it in and preserve it from bad weather conditions. There is no problem to install it on every type of frames - timber, aluminum and PVC.
Insect screens on the hooks
Insect screens on the hooks are appropriate for all types of windows where there is no need of replacing the screen. For example you can put it on windows used only for ventilation of the room. It is possible to install or uninstall it periodically.Most of the insect screens are made of aluminum profiles and special fade-proof material. There is a chance to put them together with roller shutters. (Bulboard)
Wooden Wardrobe

Having loads of clothes may cause a problem when store particular the best suit or dress. Wardrobe would be best choice for it, which has space for hanging suit or dress. In addition, its cabinets give room for folding trousers or jeans and other thing of clothing. In early period wardrobe as its name suggests, was originally the place in which the king's robes were placed for safekeeping, and where cash was held from which the king's personal expenses might be paid. Thus, that time wardrobe made in luxurious design with fully ornamented consider it was made for royal family.
There is another kind of storage space for cloth, which only has drawers in it. Chest is smaller than wardrobe that usually to store cloth beside suit or dress. Chest usually consists of drawers that made in single tier. In addition, there is also a dresser that similar to chest in larger, commonly in two tiers or combination. Traditionally, a dresser is located in the kitchen and used for "dressing" meat, however, the word has turn into a clothing store. Mostly people choose dresser or chest as its size, which is not spatial and compact particularly for children bedroom.
Nowadays both dresser and wardrobe is necessary, which every bedroom always has these or one of it. Generally, it is made of wood nonetheless, there is made of others material. Most customers are choosing in solid wood as its quality moreover solid wood furniture has timeless and natural appearance. Either furniture stores are offered furniture in modern or antique design which still in demand. Furniture designs especially for wardrobe and dresser are rapidly develop. However, most customers as its simplicity and elegance chose modern and contemporary furniture design. Various range of wardrobe, dresser or chest is available in stores or furniture wholesale. (yuni angraeni)
Tips For Designing Kitchens

There are a lot of different things you will have to consider when designing a kitchen. In this article we will discuss some of them, but you have to understand that designing a kitchen can be quite complex. Still after reading this article things should be a bit easier for you.
Before getting started with the actual design you should first bounce a few ideas of other people. It is always best to contact an experienced professional for advice, even if you want to do everything yourself. They will always be able to offer helpful suggestions and advice that you will overlook yourself.
After brainstorming a bit and gathering ideas and suggestions it is time to ask yourself some basic questions.
What is your personal cooking style? Do you entertain often? Do you cook yourself or do you often eat take-out? Are you a good cook who needs lots of specialized appliances?
The answers to these questions will greatly affect the design of your kitchen.
Next, consider lighting. Do you like bright, open spaces, or do you prefer more atmospheric, subdued lighting? Light is very important and is often overlooked by people who design kitchens themselves. Think of what you like as far as lighting is concerned and then consider what you already have in your kitchen at the moment.
Some other things to consider include: Where will you be eating? Do you eat in front of your TV often or will you need a kitchen table with seats? If you entertain often you will probably need more room in your kitchen. (jake gorney)
Change Your Space With New Curtains!

As you walk into a room, one of the first things that you are sure to notice is the window treatments and curtains. With the design of curtains that you choose to hang in your home you are making a statement to everyone who sees them. They are getting a glimpse of your personality.
Window dressings and curtains come in many different designs and sizes. Once you have decided on a feel for the room that is appealing to you, you will have a much better idea of what is needed to accomplish it. Try something subtle or make a bold statement with your curtains. Either way you are sure to be impressed.
If you really love the look of a flowing and soft window treatment, try a sheer look. Hang a long curtain rod that has great detail on the endings over your window. Use a long scarf to drape over the rod and it will look stunning.
The trick to using a scarf is to make the look of the scarf be not just perfect. Sheer scarves are meant to look flighty and imperfect. If you hang them in a very precise way it will ruin the flowing look that you are going for.
If blinds are appealing to you then you might consider using some vertical blinds to cover your windows. The vertical blinds can be opened and closed with ease by sliding on a system of pulleys. Keep them open or closed, either way it will look great. If you want some privacy in the room you can make it happen with ease. At the same time you can open up and let in some light very easily.
Dressing up the vertical blinds can be very busy. All you will need is a beautifully designed valance to be hung over the blinds. Pick a valance that has the colors of your room or, better yet, pick a beautiful accent color to display over your blinds.
Keeping the utility bills low is a concern for many people. A good sturdy curtain can help you accomplish this fairly easily. If you pick out a heavy, white backed curtain you can use the fabric to protect your home from the heating rays of the sun during the summer and keep your home nice and cool. You can do the same during the winter and block out some of the drafts that may come with older windows.
Changing the curtains in your rooms is a very easy way to give your room a face lift. Painting the walls takes a lot of time and work. It also can be very expensive. If you decide to just change the curtains out you will see that the change that you are looking for will happen before your eyes and with ease.
As people look at the curtains in your space they will begin to form some opinions about you and your personality. They will be able to tell if you prefer simple and functional things or if you would rather go on the bolder side and display something that is out of the norm. No matter what type of curtain you chose, you are sure to find one that you love. (annie deakin)
Planning A Barrier Free Kitchen Remodeling Project

The point of having a home is to make your abode as comfortable for you as possible. This includes every section and area in the home, particularly the kitchen. Whatever major changes you may have in your household, the kitchen would always play a central part in your day to day living. This is more evident due to evolving lifestyles which are fast becoming more focused in health and wellness. That is why a kitchen remodeling Massachusetts project is one of the most favorite and most sought after renovation or remodeling work in a home.
According to expert builders at Divisions Unlimited Incorporated, a fully functional and barrier free kitchen is what the modern household should have in their homes. However, this would not be achieved with a single sweep of the floor or rearranging of furniture. A functional kitchen would come as a result of careful thinking and planning. The following are some considerations that every homeowner should take should they decide on a kitchen remodeling project.
* Make Your Kitchen Accessible with a Universal Design
Whether you have disabled, elderly or sick family members in your households or not, it would always be a wise move to plan your kitchen remodeling to create a kitchen that is fully accessible to a wide range of people. This includes changing the design of traditional shelves and cabinets from the previous space consuming and protruding styles to recessed versions with trays, shelves and bins which can be easily pulled out from a recessed area. The kitchen would be more spacious looking and clutter free. You can also customize your countertops using unique materials that will make your kitchen more elegant and functional looking.
* Elevate Your Dishwasher for Better Functionality
You would be surprised at how easy it would be load and unload dishes to the washer if it is elevated by a mere nine inches or even up to 12 inches. A person using the dishwasher would have no need to bend over just to perform the task, and at the same time this elevated height would make it easy for people on wheelchairs to perform the task themselves with better ease. The resulted effect however would be a higher countertop level. No worries as you can convert this as a platform for a television set or even for your microwave oven.
* Consider Changing the Way You Use Lighting
Changing how direct light is casted on your work area can create an awesome effect for your kitchen remodeling than using mere standard or traditional lighting. For areas that needs direct light, have your builders install recessed lighting that is focused on the work area. For lighting the general area, indirect light on walls or hidden above cabinets can create an amazing effect that is both elegant and less glaring.
* Create Less Noise in Your Kitchen
Kitchens are inherently one of the noisiest places in the home. This is further aggravated by the materials that are usually found in the kitchen. One way to remedy this and minimize the effect of noise is through a change in the flooring material during your kitchen remodeling project. Work with your contractors on what materials to use, although it is suggested to take cork flooring into consideration. It is both easier on the feet and has sound-absorbing properties. Another method is to build an additional layer of walls on top of existing ones and put insulation in between. This will reduce sound transferring from the walls and into the other rooms. Using recessed cabinets for pans and pots can minimize the rattling noise they produce. (roger james martin)
InInovative Kitchen Designs To Spice Up Your Home

When looking for some new innovative kitchen designs, you should always first consider your budget. If your budget is a little smaller, then just changing the color of the walls will probably give you the amount of change you are looking for. Do not be afraid to play around with color, match the color of your walls to your personality.
If your kitchen design budget can handle a little more than just paint, then you may want to change out the lighting fixtures, better yet, add additional lighting in areas that you want to highlight in your kitchen. By adding lighting over the island or under the cabinetry, you can change the whole look of your kitchen. Another thing that allows you to spice up your kitchen is by changing out the hardware on your kitchen cabinets and drawers, or you can remove them all together. If you are replacing, make sure you measure before you go to the hardware store or you may come back with a new handle or drawer pull that is too small or too big to fit the openings that have already been drilled into your cabinetry.
If you are able to do a completely new kitchen design then you may want to have a professional contractor help you with the redesign of your kitchen. When it comes to putting together new cabinets, countertops, flooring, and appliances then it is best to have a professional guide you through the process. Spicing up your kitchen with cherry cabinets, new ceramic tile, granite countertops and stainless steel appliances is probably something that you would love to do. If you can add some newer features like copper and a unique shaped island, then it may set your new kitchen apart from the many kitchens that are being remodeled daily.
By remodeling your kitchen, you are able to make it more functional and improve the overall look at the same time. By adding cabinets that go all the way to the ceiling, it can improve your storage space and give your kitchen a look of being much bigger. If you want to make your kitchen more functional for big family meals, then installing double ovens and a bigger cook top may be the way to go. This is where a good kitchen designing contractor can help you; if you explain what you want out of your kitchen then they can make suggestions and help you design the kitchen of your dreams.
While doing a little or a lot can help to spice up your kitchen, you have to remember to stay within your budget and make sure that it works for you. Just because your contractor suggests that you put in a wine rack because all the new kitchens have it, does not mean you need to do it. If it will work for you and you are comfortable with the changes that are going to make your kitchen what you want it to be, then go for it. Always remember to get your home appraised and to ask if the changes you have in mind will add value to your home. Adding granite countertops and stainless appliances in some neighborhoods can be overkill and may not give you a good return on your investment. Check with an appraiser or real estate agent to see if the changes you have in mind are a wise choice. (shane hester)
How to lay out a kitchen

Your kitchen is one place you will probably spend a good deal of your time, particularly if you like to cook. Kitchens need to be practical and easy to keep clean and tidy. Plenty of cupboard space is vital so that everything can be stowed away when not in use. Of course you may be limited in what you can do with your kitchen due to size, dimensions and where the service points are. Do not let this put you off as there is plenty you can do even with a small kitchen.
Small Kitchens
With a small kitchen, you can have wall mounted cupboards as well as under counter cupboards, drawers and shelves. It is entirely up to you which style of cupboards you have and there are many to choose from. Your budget will play a part here, but there is no reason not to have a style that you like. Your sink and cooker will probably be fairly set in where they can go, so everything else will fit round them.
Large Kitchens
A large kitchen gives you a lot more to play with and you can really have fun planning where everything will go. As with the small kitchen, your sink and cooker will probably be in place and you just work round them.
Flooring is an area that should not be neglected. Choose a suitable type of flooring which will be easy to keep clean but that is not slippery. You can buy special carpeting for kitchens for those who prefer a carpet. Kitchen floor tiles are very easy to keep and are very practical, however, they are very unforgiving if you drop breakables on them. Linoleum is a good alternative to tiles and there is a cushioned underlay that helps retain heat if you have a stone or concrete floor. It is also easy to keep clean, so for those of you with busy family lives and pets, a washable floor is essential.
Kitchen Planning
When planning your kitchen, draw up the proposed layout on paper so that you can see where things are going to be positioned. This will allow you to get an idea of what the finished kitchen will look like and will give you the opportunity to change things before you buy your cupboards. Make sure you have enough worktop space so that when you are preparing and cooking food, you have enough space to actually do your cooking and preparation. Try to ensure that there are enough cupboards to stow things away. There is nothing worse than trying to prepare a meal in a cluttered kitchen.
Planning a practical kitchen takes time and effort, but you can be sure that at the end of it you will have a great kitchen that you will enjoy using and being in. Think carefully about how you can make the most of the space you have available when you are considering the layout. Take time to plan, that is the key to your success. (graham baylis)
How to maintain the kitchen set

The kitchen can affect the comfort of those who use it, so that can directly affect the quality of food produced. Kitchen cabinet set made mostly of wood raw material. As we all know that the wood has advantages and drawbacks.
In order cabinet kitchen set we have a long life or long-lasting, maintenance needed is some way baik. The following are some way that could be used as input in the treatment of kitchen set.
1. note the cleanliness of your kitchen,
2. wipe the cabinet from the remnants of food or food ingredient that can invite rodents
3. Do not put a heavy burden on the cabinet top, Put the cabinet under
4. Do not place sharp objects that may scratch the surface of the cabinet
5. make sure the cabinet is not affected by rain water seepage
6. make sure the kitchen is not humid conditions that can cause mold.
Good luck …….( vicelli)
Vicelli kitchen and design

Vicelli field of design, arsitecture. Products produced in the field of consulting services and also design artsitektur to manufacture various products, such as kitchen sets, wardrobe / bedroom set, curtain, wall papper, insect screen. Vicelli present amongst the people offering their fields of innovation, relying on experts and has experienced high levels of innovation, which can satisfy certain Vicelli seekers will comfort dwelling / place of work during these coveted.
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